Welcome to the
Central District
Serving Crockett, Gibson, Henderson,
and Madison Counties
Meetings of the District
2nd Thursday of every month (not in June or July)
7:00 PM - 8:15 PM
First Cumberland Presbyterian Church
(1730 US-45 BYP, Jackson, TN 38305)
District Committee
1st Thursday of every month (not in July)
6:30 PM - 8:00 PM
Salvation Army
125 Allen Ave, Jackson, TN 38301
Commissioner Staff
1st Tuesday of every month (not in July)
6:00 PM - 7:00 PM
District Volunteer Leadership Team
District Chairperson Clint Beilke - clintbeilke@gmail.com
District Commissioner Vacant
District Executive Misty Croom - Misty.Croom@scouting.org
Vice-Chair of Program Erika Hughes - Erika.hughes.0830@gmail.com
Vice-Chair of Membership Derrick Stingley - stingleyd@sbcglobal.net
Vice-Chair of Finance Vacant
Nominating Chair Kati Rohdy - kati.rohdy@gmail.com