We have our design entries and it's time to vote! Take a look at the designs below and vote on the concept you'd like to see on this year's Day Camp Patch! (More information on the contest is below!)
Winners will be announced on Monday, March 27.
West Tennessee Area Council needs your help designing our Day Camp Patch and T-Shirt for 2023! We will choose a winner from each District to get their Day Camp Experience FREE, and the TOP Council winner will receive a special award! (If the winners are AOL rank and are moving to a Troop, they will get the amount of Day Camp taken off their Summer Camp Fee!)
Contest Rules:
● Represents our Theme, “Off to the Races!” ● Must fit in a 4-inch by 4-inch space of any shape you want such as oval, car, square, etc… ● All submissions must be turned in to the council office by 3/15/23
The news you've all been waiting for....drum roll, please...We are excited to announce the winner of the 2023 Day Camp Patch Design Contest - Ryle of Pack 29 of Highlands District!
Ryle will receive an awesome award AND a free week of Day Camp - Off to the Races!
We are also excited to share that our 2nd Place, 3rd Place, and Honorable Mention!
Please also join in congratulating our 2nd Place Winner - Abbie of Pack 61 in the Western District; our 3rd Place Winner - Jacob of Pack 276 in Highlands; and our Honorable Mention - Rowan of Pack 45 in the Central District. Each of our winners will receive a free week of Day Camp!
Who won day camp patch design