You're Invited to Join our Annual
Celebration of Scouting Dinner
Please mark your calendar for the 31st Annual Celebration of Scouting Banquetto be held on February 27, 2024. Join us to recognize the impact that local Scouting programs provide to our young people through the 20 counties of West TN Area Council.
Our Celebration Baquet is a wonderful tradition that recognizes our 2023 Class of Eagle Scouts, Venturing Summit Award Recipients, Outstanding Eagle, and our Silver Beaver Recipients. This is an evening to highlight the previous year’s accomplishments - like growing our Cub Scout membership right here in West TN!
Attendees will include West Tennessee businesses and community leaders as well as those individuals who believe in the difference Scouting programs make in our youth and community.
All funds raised in support of this event stay local.
The West Tennessee Area Council is its own 501 (C) 3 corporation.

This event is not just a recognition of individual excellence, but a testament to the enduring values and influence of Scouting in shaping leaders and bettering our community. We invite all members of the West Tennessee Area Council, their families, and supporters of Scouting to join us in celebrating these remarkable individuals and their contributions to Scouting's legacy.
Tuesday, February 27, 2024
The Carl Perkins Civic Center
400 S Highland Ave, Jackson, TN 38301
VIP Reception from 4:30 PM - 5:45 PM
(By Invitation Only. Complimentary photo booth as well as meet and greet with Keynote Speaker and guests of honor. Cocktails and Appetizers will be served.)
Doors Open at 5:30 PM
Dinner Served from 6:00 PM – 6:30 PM
Program will conclude by 8:00 PM
During the program, you will be given an opportunity to make a financial pledge to support our local Scouting Programs. We also invite you to join the ranks of the prestigious Eagle Club, a great opportunity to become a Scouting Legacy Partner!
Honoring the Eagle Scout Class and Venture Summit Award Class of 2023
Our celebration dinner is a unique opportunity for our communities to lift up and congratulate the 2023 Class of Eagle Scouts for their commitment and perservance. We invite you to join our Scouting families. During the program, each Eagle Scout will be presented with their Eagle Scout Council Neckerchief.
This year, we are also excited to present our 2023 Venture Summit Award recipients.
Honoring outstanding Volunteers
This prestigious event recognizes the remarkable achievements of our Eagle Scouts and the tireless dedication of our Silver Beaver recipients, who have made exceptional contributions to Scouting and their communities.
The Outstanding Eagle Award celebrates the extraordinary accomplishments of Eagle Scouts in their professional and personal lives, showcasing how they continue to embody the principles of Scouting. The Silver Beaver Award, the highest council-level distinguished service award, honors adult leaders who have made a significant impact on the lives of youth through service to the council.
The evening will include a formal award presentation, inspiring speeches from key figures in the Scouting community, and a chance to connect with fellow Scouts, leaders, and supporters.